Sarawak Vacation 09-10

Monday, February 1, 2010 at 4:44 AM
At the airport, I managed to see airport services vehicles having their own private F1 circuit around the Tarmac.

An Air Asia aircraft lifting off. At times like these, I wished I had a better zoom lens. This is the best a 55mm kit lens can zoom at. I'll be back next year with a bigger 'gun'.

Movie tickets to the Avatar movies which we watch with our friend Fauzi in Kuching. It was indeed the best movie of the year. The 3D one was even more amazing.

Speeditaxi Hero

The Family at Serian, Kuching.

Grand parents and Grand Children

The market at Lachau has always been clean and nicely arranged. Only during this trip that I realised some really unique furniture being used by the sellers here. Check out the plastic chairs. ;P

The monument of the local cultures that are displayed at the Lachau Rest Stop are loosing this paint thus giving them a nice antique look.

Lime Tree outside the Pantu SDA Mission home bearing an abandance of fruits. Limemanade anyone???

All my fatness being squashed by my kids front and back....

This is an HDRI photo of Nichole depicting a fantasy world of 'Nemo and Nic in Pantu'

Nicole welcoming everyone to Pantu. I'll print an exact cardboard poster of her and stick it there at the real thing ;)

Nicole's school in Pantu.

The unkept Stone gate of Pantu District Office. The moss makes it look rather too artistic for me to pass up. My EOS 500D agreed.

The flooding at Pantu Village. The road leading to the river became inaccessable every time it rained.

Terap - my favourite snack fruit. Best taken when watching TV.

'Tergendala Sebentar' it seems for nichole when she complains of something in her slipper.

Babygail the Snail sliming pass a mystical Bright Yellow plant growing from the moist crack of a formerly blue painted wooden bench.


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